Washington Business Journal
by Tierney Plumb
On Oct. 30, a D.C.-based real estate developer that specializes in mixed-use residential and retail projects around the 14th and U streets NW area held a ceremony for the groundbreaking of the View 14 Apartments. Level 2 Development presented a $1 million check to the Sankofa Tenants Association for the association to purchase the 48-unit low-income Cresthill Apartment building. With Mayor Adrian Fenty as the keynote speaker, the ceremony marked the start of construction of View 14, an $80 million development of 185 apartments and 34,000 square feet of retail space. The affordable housing contribution is part of the View 14, an public benefits package, which also includes removal of the Comcast satellite dish farm and antenna tower at the site, a green roof, participation in D.C. employment programs and $40,000 in contributions to neighborhood organizations.
"We are humbled by the opportunity to assist the Sankofa Tenants Association in making their affordable housing home ownership a reality," says David Franco, principal of Level 2 Development. "It seals their rightful place in this community, and we are pleased to have them as View 14 neighbors.
by Tierney Plumb
On Oct. 30, a D.C.-based real estate developer that specializes in mixed-use residential and retail projects around the 14th and U streets NW area held a ceremony for the groundbreaking of the View 14 Apartments. Level 2 Development presented a $1 million check to the Sankofa Tenants Association for the association to purchase the 48-unit low-income Cresthill Apartment building. With Mayor Adrian Fenty as the keynote speaker, the ceremony marked the start of construction of View 14, an $80 million development of 185 apartments and 34,000 square feet of retail space. The affordable housing contribution is part of the View 14, an public benefits package, which also includes removal of the Comcast satellite dish farm and antenna tower at the site, a green roof, participation in D.C. employment programs and $40,000 in contributions to neighborhood organizations.
"We are humbled by the opportunity to assist the Sankofa Tenants Association in making their affordable housing home ownership a reality," says David Franco, principal of Level 2 Development. "It seals their rightful place in this community, and we are pleased to have them as View 14 neighbors.